Tuesday, December 22, 2015
After Reading this you will Suspend my Nerd License: My Star Wars Review
The stars aligned perfectly and the moon was in the right position. All signs pointed to this being the best Star Wars movie ever made. Even JJ Abrams, a man who can direct no wrong, insured this would be the best movie of our year. After watching it though I felt a little disappointed. Let me let that sink into your head. I just rejected a Star Wars movie that has made a quarter of a billion dollars in the opening week, has been critically acclaimed by Rotten Tomatoes and has restored faith in George Lucas' vision. Now is a good time to sharpen your pitch forks. But before you gouge me and burn me at the stake, hear me out. This is why I was not impressed with the movie.
1. The intellectual age gap: Over the years I have expected my science fiction space operas to be witty and epic. I want Star Trek to wow me with epic battles, but also try to make me smarter with plot lines of diplomacy. I want Guardians of the Galaxy to tickle my funny bone with one liners and retorts. Star Wars seemed very light on the intellectual story telling. It was almost as if the murkiness of the Republic and the Resistance fighters needed to be so simplified and dumbed down that a 6 year old could understand it. JJ Abrams did not want to throw any twists or curve balls in the mix, he just wanted a simple adventure story where a bunch of darkside villains battle against a bunch of good guys.
2. The Sith sucked: Episodes 1 through 6 have taught me that if you have the name Darth or Sith at the beginning of your name than you are the most monstrous BA the galaxy has ever known. Some sith paint their faces, while others just look like they could strike you down. This new Sith, Kylo Ren, seems like a total bad astronaut at first, but once the mask comes off he becomes whiny. In fact he is like a whiny version of Snape. Why is the most hardcore guy in the universe whining about his feelings, and having temper tantrums? On top of that, discount Snape isn't very good at battle. Yes, he has some nice torture Force moves, but in the end he got beaten by Rey, a noob beginner Jedi with no training and a fear of lightsabers. Furthermore Kylo was trained by Luke Skywalker and has endless training within the Death Planet. Even Darth Vader, a man severely burned and chopped up, gives Luke a fight, but this guy gets beaten by beginner's luck.
3. This was really episode IV: The evil empire searching for a droid, while a young desert dweller slowly becomes a Jedi? Haven't we seen this before. I get it, we are harkening back to the old times when Star Wars felt original. I am not paying twelve dollars so someone could take the old script and add different names.
4. It has that Disney shine: It's hard to tell at first, but you can start to see that this movie has the Disney storytelling engine embedded into the script. When Finn explains why he is helping Poe Dameron escape prison he says the most generic Disney line, "It is the right thing to do." At that moment I knew I wouldn't like Finn because he is just your average uncomplicated hero who easily buys into the good guys are good and the bad guys are bad scheme. He also can easily abstain from killing villagers, but has no problem ending the life of a couple hundred Storm Troopers. I guess when you blow up a Death Planet it is morally acceptable.
In the end, I felt cheated because I thought the movie would appeal to my generation who has witnessed Serenity, Star Trek Into Darkness, Babylon 5 and other great offerings. I never anticipated that this movie would feel more like Disney's Tommorrowland and less like Disney's John Carter. The good news is my wife, who hates science fiction and violent movies, really liked it.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
My Own Rock Guitar Party Game: Rockcast
If I had to make a rock band game (which I imagine a lot) I would use the above list of songs. These are not necessarily games that I love hearing as much as they are within the probability of rock music choices for games. I pretended to be a deciding committee for the latest rock game. I used the following rules to make the choices.
- Songs with distinct guitar, bass, vocals and drums
- Some new radio hits that attract a wide audience
- Some classic 90's rock to attract old school rockers
- Unfamiliar rock bands to act as filler
- Fun party rock songs (Cake, No Doubt, PUSA, Avril Lavigne, REM)
- Some Mainstream Christian rock
- Some hipster choices to attract music files
- Nothing older than 1990's
- One rock band that is popular and new to the rock game genre (Chevelle)
- Grinding rock songs that would be tricky to master (Muse, Anberlin, Rage Against The Machine)
- Rock band fodder that is popular with these games (Paramore, Stone Temple Pilots, Hives)
I call the game Rockcast. The angle is that you own the last TV music station that actually plays music videos. The station, Rockcast TV, is dying from low funds. The only solution is to start a huge benefit concert to save the music. In order to afford this concert you need to play music videos perfectly to raise money. Each level in the story campaign is like an episode of a rock music show. The VJ introduces the songs and you get to play them in any order. The better you play them the more funding you get for the benefit concert. You can use the funding to buy equipment and props for the final concert. The last stage of story mode is a huge concert based on all your efforts. Each song in story mode is like a music video (instead of a live performance). You will see stock footage, band members jamming and TV effects like you were watching MTV. Between each episode is a funny cutscene commercial that pokes fun at the music and pop culture industry.
Here are the Different Levels:
Gunthers Rock Show Ep 1:
Garbage- Stupid Girl
Radiohead- My Iron Lung
Stone Temple Pilots- Creep
PUSA- Mach 5
Smashing Pumpkins- Tonight Tonight
Korn- Blind
The Unicorn Power Hour Ep 1
Neon Trees- Text Me in the Morning
Thousand Foot Krutch- Born this Way
Aerosmith- Pink
Motion City Soundtrack- Everything is Alright
House of Heroes- Touch this Light
Sugarcult- Bouncin' Off the Walls
Metal and Fire Ep 1
Skillet- Not Gonna Die
Seether- Broken (Feat Amy Lee)
Linkin Park- Easier to Run
The Hives- Try it Again
Coheed and Cambria- The Suffering
Wolf Mother- Vagabond
The Top 6 Ep. 1
Bea Miller- Fire and Gold
Weezer- Back to the Shack
Hellogoodbye- Finding Something to Do
Mutemath- Odd Soul
Mumford and Sons- Wolf
New Politics- Harlem
Gunther's Rock Show Ep. 2
The Urge- Jump Right In
Rocket From The Crypt- On the Ropes
311- Down
MXPX- Chick Magnet
Mansun- Wide Open Space
The Cranberries- Zombie
The Unicorn Power Hour Ep. 2
Switchfoot- Meant to Live
Five Iron Frenzy- Battle Dancing Unicorns
Lifehouse- Between the Raindrops
The Starting Line- Best of Me
Foals- What Went Down
Anberlin- Self Starter
Metal and Fire Ep. 2
Emery- The less you say
Silverchair- Israel's Son
Alice in Chains- I Stay Away
Chevelle- Send the Pain Below
10 Years- Wasteland
Project 86- Fall Goliath Fall
The Top 6 Ep 2
Red- Faceless
Ludo- Love Me Dead
Jack White- Lazaretto
The XX- Crystalised
Thompson Square- Everything I shouldn't be thinking of
Silversun Pickups- Kissing Families
Gunther's Rock Show Ep. 3
Three Days Grace- Never Too Late
Breaking Benjamin- Failure
REM- Everybody Hurts
Blur- Coffee and TV
Collective Soul- Where the River Flows
Live- Lakini's Juice
The Unicorn Power Hour Ep. 3
Veruca Salt- Volcano Girls
Paramore- Hallelujah
Flyleaf- Set me on Fire
Dance Hall Crashers- Lost Again
Avril Lavigne- Sk8r Boi
Sheryl Crow- Everyday is a Winding Road
Metal and Fire Ep. 3
Idlewild- A Modern Way of Letting Go
Chevelle- Vitamin R
Chevelle- The Red
POD- Rock the Party
The Vines- Winning Days
Chevelle- Face to the Floor
The Top 6 Ep. 3
British Sea Power- Waving Flag
Beck- The New Pollution
Muse- Dead Inside
Nada Surf- Popular
Liam Lynch- United States of Whatever
Maximo Park- Apply Some Pressure
The Final Countdown
Jimmy Eat World- Just for Tonight
Chevelle- Take out the Gunman
No Doubt- It's My Life
Rage Against The Machine- People of the Sun
Cake- Comfort Eagle
Fireflight- Stronger than You Think
Save The Music Concert
(Choose 6 songs)
I also want to introduce a new mode where a fifth player can edit and create the music video while the guitarist, drummer, singer and bassist are playing the song. They can add scenes, effects and camera angles to the song. They wouldn't be part of the competition, but they could just entertain everyone who is watching.
Finally, I want a full music video editor where the player can create a music video from scratch. They pick the backdrops, the characters, the actions, the lights and the scenes. The player could potentially make a video where a large bunny is jumping in a rusty shed, while Veruca Salt plays their song. These songs can be uploaded online and you can see what the community has made.
The game will kind of stray away from creating your own rock star and creating your own instrument because the focus is on you as the savior of the music video industry. Various rock star types will play in each video. When you play certain specialty notes you can activate Creative Control. Not only does this give you a score multiplier, but also gives the music video a filter effect.
5 Player Parties
Compatible with Rockband, Guitar Hero and 3rd Party equipment
Online Multiplayer
Make your own music video and share it
Save The Music story mode
Over 70 tracks
DLC Packs
More 90's Pack
Nirvana- Polly (Live in London)
Soundgarden- Fell on Black Days
Soundgarden- Pretty Noose
Pearl Jam- Still Alive
Foo Fighters- Big Me
Oasis- Champagne Supernova
No Doubt- Snakes
Rebellious Youth Pack
Paramore- Brick By Boring Brick
This Providence- My Beautiful Rescue
October Fall- Caught in the Rain
Plain White T's- Hate (I Really Don't Like You)
Cute is What We Aim For- The Curse of Curves
Mayday Parade- Jamie All Over
The Academy Is- About A Girl
Grinder Pack
Demon Hunter- Collapsing
Chariot- The One
Haste The Day- Wheneverything Falls
Devil Wears Prada- First Sight
Underoath- A Boy Brushed Red Living In Black and White
Thursday- War All the Time
Other Light
O.C. Supertones- Welcome Home
Jars of Clay- Flood
DC Talk- Jesus Freak
Superchick- Barlow Girl
Relient K- Be My Escape
Disciple- Dear X, You Don't Own Me
Kutless- Your Touch
Encore Mix
Muse- Supremacy
Anberlin- Paper Thin Hymn
Rage Against The Machine- Ghost of Tom Joad
P.O.D.- Eyez
Chevelle- The Clincher
Chevelle- Well Enough Alone
311- Come Original
Weezer- Gone Fishin
Jimmy Eat Future- Futures
Motion City Soundtrack- True Romance
The Vines- Outtathaway
Breaking Benjamin- So Cold
Emery- Studying Politics
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
The 10 Pieces to Every Successful Marvel Film
Marvel has a script writing machine in its back offices. It is powered by the soul of Stan Lee and updated weekly by Joss Whedon's thoughts. It is the most successful script writing machines in the Summer flick business. The machine has ten parts that make sure every Marvel Summer movie has the same treatment. (Contains Guardians of the Galaxy spoilers)
1. Obligatory Science Fiction Adder
What is the fastest way to get from compelling backstory to a bunch of heroes teaming up and kicking butt? You add the obligatory science fiction piece to fill the plot. The Cosmic Cube, the Infinity stone and the Super Soldier serum act as the boring cake part in an otherwise creamy frosting movie.
2. The Laughter Engine
A compelling plot? A serious film noir? Nah! How about tons of laughter and reaction shots? When it comes to plot you don't need to know more than 1) Evil Bad Guy wants science fiction gadget (cosmic cube/infinity stone/super soldier serum) 2) super hero needs to team up and realize potential to win. Once you get rid of that pesky plot Marvel can pay the big bucks to the humor writers who spend countless hours making sure each reaction, line, smirk, joke and action is completely hilarious. The Hulk smashing Loki=funny. How about Groot smashing alien soldiers? If you can't wow their sense of darkness with the Dark Knight you can always tickle their funny bone.
3. Foreshadow Files
When Marvel started making movies they had one request. The foreshadow had to be easy enough for a ten year old to comprehend. So far no blockbuster hit has failed that requirement. When Captain America tells Tony Stark, "Haven't you ever put it all on the line?" You know that Tony Stark is going to sacrifice himself later in the movie. When the Guardians of the Galaxy learned that 4 heroes tried to contain the Infinity stone's power but failed, you know they are going to try it later in the film. You can set your watch that anything a hero mentions offhand will happen in the future.
4. The Character Builder
This is where Marvel shines above DC. They actually try to make you fall in love with their characters. Each hero comes with a life story, a personality quirk and a sense of humor. Whether it is Bruce Banner's analytical dryness or Tony Stark's sassy attitude you can enter a Marvel movie with satisfaction. We can happily add Peter Quill's dude-man-bro demeanor and Rocket's Danny Devito quirks to the list. Did I mention that this only applies to the guys? Sorry Black Widow, Pepper Potts and Gomorra, your main purpose is to remind the protagonist that they have something worth fighting for or to kick serious alien butt.
5. The Villain Simplifier
Why does a bad guy need to have a philosophy or be deep? Can't he just be a racist scumbag or a power hungry corporate jerk? Insert any villain into the simplifier and Marvel will produce the most simple of warlords, evil scientists and megalomaniacs. The Mandarin from Iron Man 3 was the closest Marvel ever came to an idealogical villain with a deeper sense of purpose. At the last second they pulled the plug and made him a loveable and doofy side character. Baddies don't need to be complicated assassins, sociopathic clowns or righteous ninjas. Why is Thanos evil? Because he is bigger than everyone.
6. Cut + Copy + Paste
Imagine going to a zoo where instead of seeing new animals in each cage you saw a better and bigger version of the same animal. That is a sequel. Marvel has mastered the art of sequel making because they already have over 60 years of super hero stories to borrow from. If the formula works, then there is no reason in all of America to try something new. Marvel deserves credit for stitching each story together so the universe is one big blanket. It is pretty ingenius and it forces you to see the bigger picture.
7. The Origin Originator
It always starts with a young boy/man who realizes he is nothing and suddenly sees a ton of potential to save the world. The camera always starts at the very beginning of everyone's story. The audience can never ever assume that the hero has been in the game for several years and is well accustomed to it. Whether it is Peter Parker learning how to be Spiderman or The Falcon realizing his flying potential (an origin story in a sequel--nice Marvel!) the story must always start on day one.
8. The Disney Lesson Distorter
Believe in yourself. Don't be the bully. Team work makes the dream work. Look out for the little guy. Ohana means family. Be yourself. You are special. You can make a difference. A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down. All of these messages are guaranteed to be somewhere in the overall plot. It is the fluff fuel that makes each story more squeezable.
9. The Safety Switch
Keep it safe...keep it simple. That is the number 1 reason that Marvel will never ever deviate from this formula. The minute you try to add a new atmosphere, remove a piece of the puzzle, appeal to a different audience-- BAM! You end up like DC and their oh so forgettable Green Lantern film. It's a numbers game. A handful of B- to B+ titles coming out year after year makes a better average than the spotty record of other comic offerings. Every movie needs to feel like it came from the same cloth or people will start remembering The Punisher or Daredevil. Boooo!
10. The Male Transponder
Storm, Elektra, Ms. Marvel, Black Widow, Spider Woman and Rogue are just a few examples of movie ideas that could not be a priority over Ant-Man. Who is Ant-Man, you ask? Who cares, as long as he is not a female. Only one female has ever had the ability to get her own movie and Marvel is trying so hard for you to forget about her. Elektra is her name and her story bombed harder than you could ever imagine. Marvel's remedy to this? Forget girls. Marvel Movies have plenty of female super heroes: Pepper Potts, Black Widow, that chick Thor makes out with and Gomorra. .
What is the fastest way to get from compelling backstory to a bunch of heroes teaming up and kicking butt? You add the obligatory science fiction piece to fill the plot. The Cosmic Cube, the Infinity stone and the Super Soldier serum act as the boring cake part in an otherwise creamy frosting movie.
2. The Laughter Engine
A compelling plot? A serious film noir? Nah! How about tons of laughter and reaction shots? When it comes to plot you don't need to know more than 1) Evil Bad Guy wants science fiction gadget (cosmic cube/infinity stone/super soldier serum) 2) super hero needs to team up and realize potential to win. Once you get rid of that pesky plot Marvel can pay the big bucks to the humor writers who spend countless hours making sure each reaction, line, smirk, joke and action is completely hilarious. The Hulk smashing Loki=funny. How about Groot smashing alien soldiers? If you can't wow their sense of darkness with the Dark Knight you can always tickle their funny bone.
3. Foreshadow Files
When Marvel started making movies they had one request. The foreshadow had to be easy enough for a ten year old to comprehend. So far no blockbuster hit has failed that requirement. When Captain America tells Tony Stark, "Haven't you ever put it all on the line?" You know that Tony Stark is going to sacrifice himself later in the movie. When the Guardians of the Galaxy learned that 4 heroes tried to contain the Infinity stone's power but failed, you know they are going to try it later in the film. You can set your watch that anything a hero mentions offhand will happen in the future.
4. The Character Builder
This is where Marvel shines above DC. They actually try to make you fall in love with their characters. Each hero comes with a life story, a personality quirk and a sense of humor. Whether it is Bruce Banner's analytical dryness or Tony Stark's sassy attitude you can enter a Marvel movie with satisfaction. We can happily add Peter Quill's dude-man-bro demeanor and Rocket's Danny Devito quirks to the list. Did I mention that this only applies to the guys? Sorry Black Widow, Pepper Potts and Gomorra, your main purpose is to remind the protagonist that they have something worth fighting for or to kick serious alien butt.
5. The Villain Simplifier
Why does a bad guy need to have a philosophy or be deep? Can't he just be a racist scumbag or a power hungry corporate jerk? Insert any villain into the simplifier and Marvel will produce the most simple of warlords, evil scientists and megalomaniacs. The Mandarin from Iron Man 3 was the closest Marvel ever came to an idealogical villain with a deeper sense of purpose. At the last second they pulled the plug and made him a loveable and doofy side character. Baddies don't need to be complicated assassins, sociopathic clowns or righteous ninjas. Why is Thanos evil? Because he is bigger than everyone.
6. Cut + Copy + Paste
Imagine going to a zoo where instead of seeing new animals in each cage you saw a better and bigger version of the same animal. That is a sequel. Marvel has mastered the art of sequel making because they already have over 60 years of super hero stories to borrow from. If the formula works, then there is no reason in all of America to try something new. Marvel deserves credit for stitching each story together so the universe is one big blanket. It is pretty ingenius and it forces you to see the bigger picture.
7. The Origin Originator
It always starts with a young boy/man who realizes he is nothing and suddenly sees a ton of potential to save the world. The camera always starts at the very beginning of everyone's story. The audience can never ever assume that the hero has been in the game for several years and is well accustomed to it. Whether it is Peter Parker learning how to be Spiderman or The Falcon realizing his flying potential (an origin story in a sequel--nice Marvel!) the story must always start on day one.
8. The Disney Lesson Distorter
Believe in yourself. Don't be the bully. Team work makes the dream work. Look out for the little guy. Ohana means family. Be yourself. You are special. You can make a difference. A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down. All of these messages are guaranteed to be somewhere in the overall plot. It is the fluff fuel that makes each story more squeezable.
9. The Safety Switch
Keep it safe...keep it simple. That is the number 1 reason that Marvel will never ever deviate from this formula. The minute you try to add a new atmosphere, remove a piece of the puzzle, appeal to a different audience-- BAM! You end up like DC and their oh so forgettable Green Lantern film. It's a numbers game. A handful of B- to B+ titles coming out year after year makes a better average than the spotty record of other comic offerings. Every movie needs to feel like it came from the same cloth or people will start remembering The Punisher or Daredevil. Boooo!
10. The Male Transponder
Storm, Elektra, Ms. Marvel, Black Widow, Spider Woman and Rogue are just a few examples of movie ideas that could not be a priority over Ant-Man. Who is Ant-Man, you ask? Who cares, as long as he is not a female. Only one female has ever had the ability to get her own movie and Marvel is trying so hard for you to forget about her. Elektra is her name and her story bombed harder than you could ever imagine. Marvel's remedy to this? Forget girls. Marvel Movies have plenty of female super heroes: Pepper Potts, Black Widow, that chick Thor makes out with and Gomorra. .
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Play This! Not That!
When you are hungering for a game and your trigger finger is shaking you usually go to your video game closet and see what is available. There's a game for every hunger and every mood, but the question is, who has time to organize it? Well, instead of just swearing at your Playstation for not having every game imaginable I have set up a list of games that will satisfy and don't fall into mainstream repetition.
Itchy Trigger Finger
What you usually play: Call of Duty, Halo, Battlefield, Gears of War, Bioshock Infinite
Have you considered:
Premise: A Russian island, long abandoned, has secret time travel energy brimming all over it. You play a special agent tasked with investigating the disturbance. You will battle commandos, mutant time freaks and large monsters with a wide array of time based special attacks.
Team Work Mood
What you usually play: Left 4 Dead, Battlefield, Call of Duty Black Ops, Gears of War and Splinter Cell
Have you considered:
Resistance 2 Coop (PS3)
Premise: You can fight as 1 of 3 classes: medic, specialist or commando. Each has a special ability to fight against the oncoming alien Chimera. Commandos have shields, Specialists can drop ammo and Medics can heal. You can have up to 18 players at once and the battlefield changes based on how many players are playing. It is a fast paced and satisfying coop fest.
Arcade/Fast Paced Racing
What you usually play: Forza, Burnout, Mario Kart, Sonic Racing
Have You Considered:
Premise: Race a plethora of exotic cars around dangerous tracks filled with accidents. You can trigger these accidents to stop other racers from winning. Perform drifts and boosts to activate traps in the racing arena. All this is done on beautifully rendered graphics.
Adventure Time
What you usually play: Legend of Zelda, Two Brothers, Ico
But have you considered:
Alice Madness Returns
Premise: An rated R Legend of Zelda. You play the schizophrenic and psychotic Alice who must venture to Wonderland to stop the evil darkness from taking over. This is a dark story with plenty of creepy moments, but you will also find tons of dungeons, puzzles and knife wielding fun.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Why Not? A Reboot of Bonk's Adventure
This is my most experimental segment where I look at the popular games of the past and ponder what next gen treatment would look like.
Description: Bonk is what happens when Katamari and Mario share legal custody of a child. It is one part ridiculousness and three parts platformer. The cool thing was that Bonk was not trying to be its own separate Mario or Sonic, but just a goofy bald kid who head butts dinosaurs.
Here is why I think a next gen treatment is necessary
Bonk has always thrived at juggling, momentum and rhythm within the platforming world. That kid's noggin has been a great tool for dinosaur destruction. Now imagine a 3D platformer world where you are encouraged to get bonk combos and successfully bounce off of different baddies. It would have the addictiveness of a Tony Hawk combo mixed with Mario.
Also the folks over at Hudson Soft were more than ready to create imaginative power ups and weird weapons. Some of these weapons like the fire pepper and the bouncing flower fit right in to Mario's kitty costume.
A crazy platformer, with a charming bald kid who fights dinosaurs. It has indy/family/fun written all over it.
Description: Bonk is what happens when Katamari and Mario share legal custody of a child. It is one part ridiculousness and three parts platformer. The cool thing was that Bonk was not trying to be its own separate Mario or Sonic, but just a goofy bald kid who head butts dinosaurs.
Here is why I think a next gen treatment is necessary
Bonk has always thrived at juggling, momentum and rhythm within the platforming world. That kid's noggin has been a great tool for dinosaur destruction. Now imagine a 3D platformer world where you are encouraged to get bonk combos and successfully bounce off of different baddies. It would have the addictiveness of a Tony Hawk combo mixed with Mario.
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No Comment. |
Also the folks over at Hudson Soft were more than ready to create imaginative power ups and weird weapons. Some of these weapons like the fire pepper and the bouncing flower fit right in to Mario's kitty costume.
A crazy platformer, with a charming bald kid who fights dinosaurs. It has indy/family/fun written all over it.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Why Steam Deserves To Be Your New Console!
Do you know that romantic comedy cliche where the young twenty something chick has to choose between the good looking jerk or the wealthy foreign dude? Then in a sudden twist she finds out that her best friend, Todd, has been the one the whole time. That is your relationship with Steam. While we were fretting over which Xbox or Playstation to get, Steam sat quietly promising to console you in your darkest hour. Not once did it charge you for online capabilities and it doesn't get jealous if you use its Netflix.
5. Backwards Compatible In Its Truest Sense
Steam did something smart. It stuck to one media format for all its games-The digital download. And because you have that one media format you never have to worry about your games becoming obsolete. Your system can still play Max Payne, Serious Sam and Doom 3 like it was the day you first bought it. No system can ever promise that longevity. And Steam has cloud saves, which means you can still keep your progress in a game even though you switch computers.
The CD or the game cartridge are no longer the golden standard that sits above the PC. Now that next gen systems have to find updates, install data, use up gigs and store to the hard drive it doesn't make it much more of an advantage.
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Toaster not included. |
4. The Perfect Balance of Internet Capability
Did we mention that Steam is 1 of 2 game networks on the market that does not require 60 bucks a year? The other system has an Italian plumber as its mascot. Steam could also be a real jerk about being an online digital company and make some rule like, "your computer must be online at all times in order to play." But Valve has a heart and a love for the Tiny Tim in us all.
3. The Thin Line Between Console and PC is Closing
It used to be clear as day to whether you were a PC gamer or a console gamer. If you wanted 2D adventures, fighters and beatem' ups you went with console, if you wanted games that would make Star Trek engineers cry you went with computer. That is no longer the case as more and more varieties of games are being ported to Steam. Don't want to use your mouse? Fine, be that way! But also remember that a startling amount of Steam games are becoming gamepad compatible. The Steam Box is also coming out with a controller that will take the place of your keyboard and mouse. As mentioned earlier, the disc drive media is not convenient, fast or easy as it once was so Steam has the advantage.
2. The Issue With Upgrading
You may think to yourself, "Aha, computers must be constantly upgraded and consoles last about 8 years." But you also have to remember that Steam is not asking you to get a whole new $600 system every 3 years. A strong PC can last 3-4 years before becoming irrelevant. After those 4 years you can switch out any technical hardware to make the system better.
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The mascot...a blue collar engineer with a degree in miming |
1. And Those Prices...
It's Christmas Eve and you turn on your warm and lonely computer to find out that Batman Arkham City is only $5, while the newest indie games are selling for $2. Who has this power and authority? It isn't Sony or Microsoft. It is Valve.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Sony, Sega, Microsoft or Nintendo? Who is Wasting Their Potential The Most?
That is what makes or breaks a video game console. Your system can play the finest version of Netflix, be voice activated or even remember your birthday, but without stellar games the system is pointless. No video game console has ever taken a nose dive for any other reason than not having the proper licenses, franchises and variety of playable games. With that said, it is worth noting and calculating which of the biggest console (and previous console companies...sniff, Dreamcast) are not living up to their true potential. Some of these companies are sitting on a gold mine and don't even know it.

Games They Put Out Almost Yearly:
Monkey Ball
Virtua Tennis
Sonic The Hedgehog
Football Manager
Total War
Games That Have Scored Really Well In The Past (Via Metacritic)
Phantasy Star Online
Jet Grind Radio
Samba De Amigo
Sega GT
Ecco The Dolphin
Games That I Really Want To See Modernized
Alien Storm
Space Harrier 2
Panzer Dragoon
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Back when LSD was part of the creative process |
Wasted Potential Score: 9/10
Sega does a great job resurrecting the classics and reminding everyone that they had a few gems in their hey day, but it seems they will not go near modernizing any of the Dreamcast games that made their system so popular. Perhaps it is fear that Sega will go under again if they start coloring outside of the lines. Out of all the systems, Sega had always won me over with their colorful, Japan rich games.
Games They Put Out Almost Yearly:
Gran Turismo
Ratchet and Clank
Little Big Planet
MLB: The Show
God Of War
Games That Have Scored Really Well In The Past (Via Metacritic)
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Little Big Planet
The Last of Us
God of War 3
MLB 10: The Show
Wipeout HD
Games That I Really Want To See Modernized
Syphon Filter
The Legend of Dragoon
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No Sony, there's nothing cool about warriors that turn into dragons! |
Wasted Potential Score: 4/10
Because Sony never grips onto any of their franchises for too long, it is really hard to miss any of them. Sony is always trying new stuff and teaming up with new people with new ideas. Despite the team's elusiveness to stick to their classics, Sony does have lots of PSOne titles that are sorely missed.
Games They Put Out Almost Yearly:
Gears of War
Games That Have Scored Really Well In The Past (Via Metacritic)
Fable III
Gears of War III
Halo 3
Forza Horizon
Left 4 Dead 2
Shadow Complex
Viva Pinata
Alan Wake
Games That I Really Want To See Modernized
Jade Empire
Conker: Live and Reloaded
Perfect Dark
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Look at this beauty...Nintendo are you crying? |
Wasted Potential Score: 5/10
Forza, Fable, Gears of War and Halo have been the steady diet for all Xbox users. As I was researching the top games of the Xbox and 360 I noticed that Microsoft has been scarce in throwing their hat into the ring. You rarely see a Microsoft exclusive pop up and really be noticed. This makes me suspicious to how creative Microsoft's system really is if it has played it safe by riding on the coat tails of 3rd party developers.
Games They Put Out Almost Yearly:
Super Mario Bros
Mario Party
Mario Kart
Donkey Kong
Legend of Zelda
Games That Have Scored Really Well In The Past (Via Metacritic)
Super Mario Galaxy
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Sin and Punishment: Star Successor
Punch Out
Super Paper Mario
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Mario Kart Wii
Games That I Really Want To See Modernized
Eternal Darkness
Star Fox
Wave Race
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Who do I have to dance for to see a sequel to this game? |
Wasted Potential Score: 8/10
Nintendo and Sega seem to be the only two companies that release less than half of their highest scoring games. Nintendo almost beat Sega's score, but at least Nintendo keeps 2 high scoring games in the rotation of the Wii U. The sad reality is that Nintendo really has the brain power to make any one of the above games and do it well, but they resort to a Donkey Kong sequel or a remake of a game that made them famous in the past. It's so sad to see a game company that has revolutionized gaming, miss out on so many opportunities.
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