Sunday, January 12, 2014

Play This! Not That!

When you are hungering for a game and your trigger finger is shaking you usually go to your video game closet and see what is available.  There's a game for every hunger and every mood, but the question is, who has time to organize it?  Well, instead of just swearing at your Playstation for not having every game imaginable I have set up a list of games that will satisfy and don't fall into mainstream repetition.

Itchy Trigger Finger

What you usually play:  Call of Duty, Halo, Battlefield, Gears of War, Bioshock Infinite

Have you considered:


Premise: A Russian island, long abandoned, has secret time travel energy brimming all over it.  You play a special agent tasked with investigating the disturbance.  You will battle commandos, mutant time freaks and large monsters with a wide array of time based special attacks.

Team Work Mood

What you usually play:  Left 4 Dead, Battlefield, Call of Duty Black Ops, Gears of War and Splinter Cell

Have you considered:

Resistance 2 Coop (PS3)

Premise:  You can fight as 1 of 3 classes: medic, specialist or commando.  Each has a special ability to fight against the oncoming alien Chimera.  Commandos have shields, Specialists can drop ammo and Medics can heal.  You can have up to 18 players at once and the battlefield changes based on how many players are playing.  It is a fast paced and satisfying coop fest.

Arcade/Fast Paced Racing

What you usually play:  Forza, Burnout, Mario Kart, Sonic Racing

Have You Considered:


Premise:  Race a plethora of exotic cars around dangerous tracks filled with accidents.  You can trigger these accidents to stop other racers from winning.  Perform drifts and boosts to activate traps in the racing arena.  All this is done on beautifully rendered graphics.

Adventure Time

What you usually play:  Legend of Zelda, Two Brothers, Ico

But have you considered:

Alice Madness Returns

Premise: An rated R Legend of Zelda.  You play the schizophrenic and psychotic Alice who must venture to Wonderland to stop the evil darkness from taking over.  This is a dark story with plenty of creepy moments, but you will also find tons of dungeons, puzzles and knife wielding fun.